Integrated Fish Farming

The practice of combining fish farming with other agricultural activities, such as crop or livestock production, to create a synergistic system. For example, implementing integrated fish farming to enhance resource use efficiency and diversify farm income.

Environmental Mastitis

A type of mastitis caused by pathogens present in the cow’s environment, such as bedding and water. Environmental mastitis is managed through hygiene and management practices. For example, maintaining clean bedding to reduce the risk of environmental mastitis in dairy cows.

Cattle Milk Protein

An essential nutrient in milk, important for growth and repair in the body. Milk protein is used in various dairy products, including cheese and yogurt. For instance, enhancing milk protein levels through selective breeding and nutrition management.

Watering System

A setup for providing water to livestock, including troughs, automatic waterers, and pipelines. Adequate water supply is essential for animal health and productivity. For example, installing an automatic watering system in a pasture to ensure cattle have constant access to fresh water.

Pest Monitoring

The practice of regularly inspecting crops and livestock for signs of pests and their damage. Pest monitoring helps farmers make informed decisions about pest control methods. For example, conducting regular field inspections to detect early signs of pest infestations in a crop.

Dairy Extension

Outreach programs and services provided by universities and research institutions to support dairy farmers with education, resources, and technical assistance. For example, participating in dairy extension programs to learn about new technologies and best practices.

Apple Orchards

Plantations of apple trees cultivated for commercial fruit production. Managing an apple orchard involves tasks such as pruning, pest control, and harvesting. For example, an apple orchard might produce different varieties of apples for fresh consumption and cider production.